Monday, March 5, 2007

First Contact Award

The award says "First Two-way Communications by Amateur Radio." I'll clarify that this was my first HF contact that I made with my recently upgraded license.


Anonymous said...

Hey John!

Congrats on the upgrade and the contact !!! I don't have one of those and I've been on HF since '98

Ran across your name while searching google for another buddy "wb4huc" and found a match for him on and saw right below is callsign your name and callsign and a mention of your Pro-92 website, which looks like you let lapse. So I did a qrz look up on you and here I am!

Glad I found you!

How is everything? Drop me a line - use link at bottom of my site - to contact me.

Break / fun time is over - back to the grind of work!

Anonymous said...

forgot I couldn't signin to google so I was really anonymous - This is Ben - KC5JBE from back when we used to yack on the radio.. Now my callsign is NE5B

73 Ben